Monday, March 15, 2004

My final post

I don't know how many people are still stopping by to check out this blog, but awhile ago I promised an announcement in March, and now it's time for said announcement. While I will no longer be writing about baseball at Universal Baseball Blog, Inc., I will still be writing about baseball on the internet.

I have joined with a bunch of other guys to start a web site called The Hardball Times. We have a welcome message on the front page of the site, so rather than tell you all about it, I'm going to make you go there and read about it. However, I will tell you who the other writers involved with this project are. You may not recognize all of them, but I'm sure you'll recognize at least a few:

Aaron Gleeman
Matthew Namee
Alex Belth
Craig Burley
Joe Dimino
Robert Dudek
Vinay Kumar
Larry Mahnken
Bryan Smith
Dave Studenmund
Steve Treder

Go check out what we have to say, and hopefully you'll keep on coming back for more. Oh yeah, I'd like to thank everybody who read Universal Baseball Blog, Inc. and made it such a fun project for me last season. I really appreciate it.